Daniel Lysons

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Daniel Lysons [1]

an English divine and writer, eldest son of the Reverend Samuel Lysons, rector of Rodmarton, in Gloucestershire (1804-33), was educated at Gloucester and at St. Mary's Hall, Oxford, at which university he attained the degree of M.A. in 1785. Later he filled the curacy of Putney. He died January 3, 1834. He published a sermon or two, and a History of the Origin and Progress of the Meeting of the three Choirs of Gloucester, Worcester, and Hereford; but his fame rests entirely upon his topographical works, which are excellent for their laborious research, accuracy of description, and useful record of matters which most probably would otherwise have been irrecoverably lost. On this point consult the English Cyclopaedia, s.v., and Allibone, Dict. of British and American Authors, s.v.
