
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

Dal'phon. (Swift). The second of the ten sons of Hamam  Esther 9:7. (B.C. 610).

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Dalphon Esther 9:7 ). The second son of Haman, put to death by the Jews.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

One of the sons of Haman, slain and hanged.  Esther 9:7,14 .

Holman Bible Dictionary [4]

 Esther 9:7

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [5]

 Esther 9:7.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [6]

(Heb. Dalphon', דִּלְפוֹן , prob. Persian; Sept. Δελφών v. r. Καὶ Ἀδελφῶν ; Vulg. Delphon ), the second of the ten sons of Haman; killed by the Jews on the 13th of AdarEsther 9:7), B.C. 473.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

dal´fon ( דּלפון , dalphōn , "crafty"): The second of the ten sons of Haman, slain by the Jews ( Esther 9:7 ).
