Council Of Pont - Audemer

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Council Of Pont - Audemer [1]

(Concilium Ponsaudemlurense), an ecclesiastical council, was held in 1279 by William de Flavecour, archbishop of Rouen, who presided; twenty-four canons were published. Among these:

5. Recommends the observance of the canons of Lateran ("ornnes utritsque sexus") upon confession and communion.

9. Forbids Christians to dwell with Jews. 10. Forbids the keeping of vigils and assemblies, and all dancing, in churches and churchyards.

16. Forbids rural deans to deliver any sentence of excommunication or suspension, unless in writing.

23. Forbids all those of the clergy who have taken the cross to abuse the privileges granted to them.

See Labbe, Concil. 11, 1144.
