Council Of Chateau-Gonthier (In Anljou)

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Council Of Chateau-Gonthier (In Anljou) [1]

Chateau-Gonthier (In Anljou), Council Of

(Concilium apud Castrum Gontheam), was held in 1231, by the archbishop of Tours and his suffragans; who- published thirty-seven canons or regulations, of which the' following are of most consequence:

1. Against clandestine marriages, ordering that those persons who have been so united be separated.

3. Exacts an oath from every clerk presented to a benefice, to the effect that he had. neither directly nor indirectly given or promised anything in return.

4. Orders's the bishops to see that all beneficed clerks serve their own- cures.

9. Forbids to communicate with excommunicated persons.

10. Forbids the frequent use of general excommunication.

15. Deprives of their patron-age patrons who present unfit persons.

16. Forbids to present to a living any one ignorant of the language of the place.

24, and some others relate to the conduct of monks.

30. Orders the sentence of excommunication against usurers to be read every Sunday.

33. Forbids to receive the testimony of Jews against Christians. See Labbe, Concil. xi, 438.
