Council Of (Concilium Vernense) Verneuil
Council Of (Concilium Vernense) Verneuil [1]
Verneuil, Council Of (Concilium Vernense)
Verneuil is a town of France, in Eure, on the Avre, twenty-four miles south-southwest of Evreux. An ecclesiastical council was held here in December, 844. Ebrouin, archchaplain of Charles the Bald and bishop of Poitiers, presided, with Venilon, archbishop of Sens. Twelve canons were published, addressed to Charles the Bald.
1. Contains an exhortation to the king.
3; Contain an entreaty that he would send forth a commissioner to set in order what was irregular, and to repress crime, etc.
7. Renews the canon of Gangra against certain female religious who, under pretext of higher perfection, had taken to wearing male attire.
8. Directs that when bishops are excused from going to the wars, either by infirmity or by the kindness of the prince, they shall appoint fit men to lead their people. See Mansi, Concil. 7 :1805. (See Council Of Vernum).