Consensus Tigurinus

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Consensus Tigurinus [1]

a confession prepared by Calvin in 1549, and adopted by the Zurich theologians. "It grew out of a desire on the part of Calvin to effect a union among the Reformed upon the doctrine of the Eucharist." Its title is Consensio mutua in' re sacramentarii Ministror. Tigur. et J. Calvini, and consists of 26 articles (Calvini Opp. 8, p. 648 sq. and in his Tract, theolog, [Genev. 1611; Amster. 1667, fol.]. It was separately printed in 1554 by Robert Stephen, and is given in Niemeyer, Confessio Collectionum [1840], p. 191 sq.). Shedd, History of Doctrines, bk. 8, ch. 2, § 2; Hagenbach, History of Doctrines, § 222.
