Consensus Genevensis

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Consensus Genevensis [1]

a confession of faith drawn up by Calvin in 1551. Its title is De aeterna Dei praedestinatione, qua in salutem alioss e I hominibus elerit, alios suo exitio reliquit, it. de providentia, qua res humanas gubernat, consensus pastorum Genevensis ecclesioe, a J. Calvino expositus (Genev. 1552, 8vo, in Op.c 7:688). It is given in Niemeyer, Collectio Confessionum (1840), p. 218 et sq. Its purpose was to unite the Swiss churches with regard to predestination as the Consensus Tigurinus (q.v.) had served to do with regard to the sacraments. It presents the Calvinistic theory of predestination with great clearness and decision. Smith's Hagenbach, History of Doctrines, § 222; Shedd, History of Christian Doctrine, bk. 7, ch. 2, § 2.
