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King James Dictionary [1]


1. To creep up by little and little, or step by step to mount or ascend, by means of the hands and feet to rise on any fixed object, by seizing it with the hands and lifting the body, and by thrusting with the feet as, to climb a tree or a precipice.

And he ran before and climbed up into a sycamore tree.  Luke 19 .

2. To mount or ascend with labor and difficulty. 3. To rise or ascend with a slow motion.

Black vapors climb aloft.


1. To ascend by means of the hands and feet, implying labor, difficulty and slow progress as, to climb a wall, or a steep mountain. 2. To mount or ascend, with labor or a slow motion as, to climb the ascents of fame.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): (v. i.) To ascend or mount laboriously, esp. by use of the hands and feet.

(2): (v. t.) To ascend, as by means of the hands and feet, or laboriously or slowly; to mount.

(3): (v. i.) To ascend or creep upward by twining about a support, or by attaching itself by tendrils, rootlets, etc., to a support or upright surface.

(4): (v. i.) To ascend as if with effort; to rise to a higher point.

(5): (n.) The act of one who climbs; ascent by climbing.
