Clement Phinney

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Clement Phinney [1]

an American Free-will Baptist preacher, noted especially as an evangelist, was born in Gorham, Maine, August 16, 1780. He possessed a good physical constitution, a large share of good-nature and cheerfulness, as well as strong common-sense. His love of music was remarkable. When a youth his talent of song made him a favorite with both old and young. In 1806 he.was converted, and after his talents had been consecrated to God his gift of song became instrumental in awakening in the human heart responses to the calls of the divine Word. He sang with the Spirit and with power, which at times produced wonderful effect. He received ordination in 1816, and feeling called of God to labor as an evangelist, declined the work of the pastorate. He seemed to be, specially qualified by nature and grace for the work of winning souls to Christ, and God gave him many as seals of his ministry thousands were awakened by his earnest and affectionate ministrations. Though his advantages for an education were limited, yet college professors and other learned men were frequently found among his delighted auditors. He was a devoted friend of the slave, and, with the leaders of his denomination, early espoused the antislavery cause. His amiability, integrity, wisdom, and purity of character won for him universal confidence and esteem. He died at Portland, Maine, where he had performed the most of his public labors, full of years and abounding in faith.
