Christopher Frederick Boehme
From BiblePortal Wikipedia
Christopher Frederick Boehme [1]
a German theologian, was born in Eisenberg in 1766; in 1793 he became professor of the gymnasium at Altenberg; in 1800 he was made pastor of the Church of Magdalene, and in 1813 head pastor of Lucka. He died in 1844. Among his numerous works are, Die Sache d. rationalen Supernaturalismus (Neust. ab. Oder 1823); Die Religion Jesu (Halle, 1825, 2d ed. 1827); Die Religion d. Apostel Jesu (Halle, 1820); Die Religion d. christlichen Kirche unserer Zeit (Halle, 1832); Die Lehre v. d. gottlichen Eigenschaften (1821, 2d ed. 1826); Briefe Pauli a. d. Romer (Leipz. 1806); and a. d. Hebrder (Leipz. 1825).