Christian Munden
Christian Munden [1]
a German Lutheran divine, was born at Burg, on the isle of Femern, August 13, 1684. He was educated at the gymnasium at Liibeck; entered in 1701 the University of Kiel, where he studied theology, and returned home in 1704; but his desire for knowledge carried him in June, 1705, to Leipsic, where he was permitted to lecture. A rumor that Saxony might become the seat of war between Sweden and Poland drove him finally to Hanover, and he was appointed in 1708 teacher of Greek and Latin at the Gymnasium of Gottingen. In 1716 he got a position as pastor of the St. Nicholas Church in Gottingen. In 1725 he was appointed licentiate of theology at the University. of Helmstadt, and in 1727 was made professor of theology at that high school. In 1731 he was called to the pastorate of the "Barfusser Kirche" in Frankfort-on-the-Main, and there he died, August 9, 1741. He greatly distinguished himself as a pulpit orator, but made many enemies by his opposition to the Reformed Church. He was also in constant warfare with the Roman Catholics, whom he greatly weakened at Frankfort by the frequent examination of their doctrines and practices. Munden's most important works are, Diss. de הא הודיעה Sive De ה Demonstrativo (Lipsiae, 1706, 4to): — Progr. De Litteris Hebraeis Et Graecis Justo Habendis Pretio (Gottingae, 1708, 4to): — De Columna Nubis Et Ignis Commentatio, In Qua Primum Mosis De Ea Oraculum Ex Veris Exegeseos Sacrae Principiis Παρερμενείᾷ , recens inventa, modeste vindicatur, nec non varia Scripturae S. loca subinde illustrantur (Gosl. 1712, 8vo): — Regine Et Electoralis Hannoveranae Ecclesie Ministri Epistola Ad Io. Fr. Buddeum De Pietistarum Canaracteribus (Gotting. 1724, 4to): — Progr. de incrementis studii exegetici adhuc sperandis (Helmst. 1727, 4to): — Progr. de quaestione, an operae pretium sit, theologiam, quam dicunt casuisticam, singulari studio in Academiis tradere? (ibid. 1727,4to): — Diss. exegetica moralis de Ἀκριβείᾷ Christianortin Practica, ad Ephesians 5 cum 15 (ibid. 1728, 4to): — Diss. Exegetica Prior De Dedicatione Evangelii S. Lucae, cap. 1 cum 1-4 (ibid. 1728, 4to): — Progr. in fest. pasch. de virtute resurrectionis Christi ex Philippians 3, cap. x (ibid. 1729, 4to): — Disquisitio de theologia morali in institutionibus theologicis a dogmatica theologia non divellanda (ibid. 1730, 4to): — Evangelische Lehrer, als Nachfolger Christi (Frankf. a. M., 1730, 4to): — Die Schmalkaldischen Artikel, mit einem Vorberichte (ibid. 1740, 4to). See Doring, Gelehrte Theol. Deutschlands, s.v.