Christian Kortholt

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Christian Kortholt [1]

Kortholt, Christian (2),

an eminent Danish Protestant theologian, and a nephew of Christian Kortholt (1), was born at Kiel in 1709. He studied at the university of his native city, and afterwards visited Holland and England. On his return to Germany he was appointed rector of the College of Leipzig, and adjunct professor of philosophy in the university of that city. A few years after he became professor of theology in the University of Gottingen, and finally ecclesiastical superintendent. Ie died Sept. 21,1751. Besides a number of articles published in the Acta Eruditorum Lipsiensium, and a collection of sermons in German, he wrote De sacrorum Christianorum in Cimbria primordiis (Kiel, 1728, 4to): Commentatio historico-ecclesiastica de ecclesiis suburbicariis, qua in dioccsin quams episcopus Romanus cetate concilii Nicceni habuit, inquiritur (Leipz. 1732, 4to):-De Societate Antiquaria Londinensi ad Knappium (Lpz. 1735, 4to): De Matth. Tindalio (Lpz. 1734, 4to): De Enthusiasmno Mohammedis (Gotting. 1745, 8vo):-De Simone Petro primo Apostol. et ultimo (GCtting. 1748, 8vo); etc. He published also Leibnitii epistolce ad diversos (Leipzig, 1733- 42, 4 vols.). See Joach. Lindemann, Christ. Kortholti Oratiofunebris (in Sacer decadum septenarius memoriam theologorum nostra cetate, etc., Lpzg. 1705, 8vo): Niceron, Memoires, vol. 31, Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Genesis 27: 93; Pierer, Univ. Lexikon, 9: 734. (J. N. P.)
