Christian Friedrich Schwartz

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Christian Friedrich Schwartz [1]

a German missionary to India. He was born at Sonnenburg, in Brandenburg, Oct. 26, 1726, and educated at Halle. While there he studied the Tamil, in order to aid the missionary Schultz in translating the Bible. He was ordained at Copenhagen in 1749, and on Jan. 29, 1750, embarked from England for India as missionary. He reached Tranquebar July 30. He remained there until, in 1767, he was transferred to the English society and stationed at Trichinopoly. In 1779 he went to Tanjore, where he spent the remainder of his life. He was greatly esteemed by both Europeans and natives. The rajah of Tanjore committed to him the education of his son and successor, and Hyder Ali received him as ambassador after refusing all others. He died in 1798. After his death the rajah of Tanjore and the East India Company each erected a monument to his memory.
