
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Chiffelet [1]

(or Chifflet) is the name of several learned Frenchmen, of whom we mention the following:

1. JEANE, son of Jean Jacques, born about 1612, was canon of Tournay, and a Hebrew scholar. He died November 27, 1666, leaving, among other works, Apologetica Parcenesis Ad Linguam. Sanctam: Judicium De Fabula Joannae Papisae.

2. Jean Jacques a physician, was born January 21, 1588, at Besancon, and died in 1660. He wrote, among other works, De Linteis Spulchralibus Charisii Servatoris (Anvers, 1624): De Ampula Remensi (ibid. 1650); in which he proves that the legend is a pious fraud.

3. LAURENT, brother of Jean Jacques, was born in 1598; joined in 1617 the order of the Jesuits; became a zealous missionary; and died at Antwerp, July 9, 1658. He wrote, Psalterim B. Mariae : Doctrina Christiania: Exercitia Infirmorum : Praxis Devotionis, etc. .

4. PHILIPPE, another brother of Jean Jacques, was born at Besancon, May 10, 1597. He was canon of Besancon, abbot of Balerne, archbishop of Besancon, etc., and died in 1657. He is known by his Canones et Decreta Conciliriumentini, cum Profatione et Notis (Anvers, 1640).

5. Pierre Francois also brother of Jean Jacques, was born in 1592. In 1609 he. joined the Jesuits, and died at Paris, May 11, 1682. He edited the works of Fullentius and of other Church writers.

See Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:319, 561, 573, 825, 911, 915, 916; Miscellanea hiffletiana sive Chrefiptirum, Opuscula Varia, etc. (Amsterdam, 1688, 7 volumes); Lichtenberger, Encyclop. de Sciences Relgienses, s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v. (B.P.).
