
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

King James Dictionary [1]

Chargeable, a.

1. That may be charged that may be set, laid, imposed as, a duty of forty per cent is chargeable on wine. 2. Subject to be charged as, wine is chargeable with a duty of forty per cent. 3. Expensive costly as a chargeable family. 4. Laying or bringing expense.

Because we would not be chargeable to any of you.  1 Thessalonians 2 .

5. Imputable that may be laid or attributed as a crime, fault or debt as a fault chargeable on a man. 6. Subject to be charged or accused as a man chargeable with a fault, or neglect.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): (a.) Subject to be charge or accused; liable or responsible; as, revenues chargeable with a claim; a man chargeable with murder.

(2): (a.) Serving to create expense; costly; burdensome.

(3): (a.) That may be charged, laid, imposed, or imputes; as, a duty chargeable on iron; a fault chargeable on a man.
