Charan Dasis

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Charan Dasis [1]

is one of tlhe Vaishnava (q.v.) sects among the Hindus. It was instituted by Charan Das,. a merchant of the Dhusar tribe, who resided at Delhi in the reign of the second Alemgir. They assert the pre-eminence of faith above every other distinction. They require no particular qualification of caste, order, or sex for their teachers; and they attach great importance to morality. Their decalogue is as follows:

1, not to lie;

2, not to revile;

3, not to speak harshly;

4, not to discourse idly;

5, not to steal;

6, not to commit adultery;

7, not to offer violence to any created thing;

8, not to imagine evil;

9, not to cherish hatred;

10, not to indulge in conceit or pride.

These sectaries consist of two classes, the clerical and the secular. The latter are chiefly of the mercantile order; but the former lead a mendicant and ascetic life, and are distinguished by wearing yellow garments, a single streak of sandal-color down the forehead, a necklace and rosary of Tulasi beads, an-d a small-pointed cap, around the lower part of which they wear a yellow turban. The authorities of the sect are the Sri Bhagavat and Gita.
