Cesar De Bus
From BiblePortal Wikipedia
Cesar De Bus [1]
a French monk, was born at Cavaillon, Feb. 3, 1544, and died at Avignon, April 15, 1607. After having lived a life of dissipation, he joined the clergy and was made canon of Cavaillon. He founded,. in 1592, the Congregation of the Priests of the Christian Doctrine, called " Doctrinaires," and of a similar one of the Ursulines, called "Filles de la Doctrine Chr6tienne," who, like the former, had to teach. Cesar de Bus is the author of Instsructions Familieres (Paris, 1665). See Beauvais, Histoire de la Vie de Cesar de Bus (Paris, 1645); Lichtenberger, Encyclopedie des Sciences Religieuses, s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v. (B. P.)