
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Cedda [1]

(or Cedd), an English bishop, was a native of Northumbria, and brother of Chad (q.v.). In 653 Peada, ruler of the Middle-Angles, became a Christian, and took home with him, in order to convert his people, four priests, of whom Cedda was one. About the same timer Sigberht, king of Essex, also embraced Christianity, and allowed Cedda to visit that kingdom. In consequence the latter was ordained, by Finan, bishop of Lindisfarne, about 654. He afterwards became abbot of Laestingaen (LastingIham). In 664 Cedda was present at the Synod of Strelseshalch (Whitby), and died shortly after. Almost everything that we know about Cedda is in Bede, E. 3, c. 21- 23. Cedda's day in the calendar is Jan. 7.
