Cav. Pietro Novelli

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Cav. Pietro Novelli [1]

called Il Monrealese, from the place of his nativity, an eminent Italian painter and architect, who flourished at Palermo near the middle of the 17th century, left many works both in oil and fresco in his native city, the most remarkable of which is his great picture of the marriage at Cana, in the refectory of the fathers Benedettini, which is particularly commended. He resided a long time at Palermo, where he painted many works for the churches, the most noted of which is the vault of the church of the Conventuals, wholly executed by himself in several compartments. Guarienti eulogizes him for his style, and says he was diligent in studying nature, correct in design, graceful in his forms, and rich in his coloring, with a slight imitation of Spagnoletto. Lanzi says, "The people of Palermo confer daily honor on him; since, whenever they meet a foreigner of taste, they show him nothing else in this city than the works of this great man."
