Cathedrals Of The Old Foundation

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Cathedrals Of The Old Foundation [1]

are those which have always been held by secular canons, and underwent no change at the Reformation. These consist of four internal dignitaries- dean, precentor, chancellor, and treasurer; archdeacons, in some cases of a subdean, and subchanter of canons, and prebendaries and canons, residentiary or nonresident, internal or extraneous. Each was represented by his vicar. Strasburg, in France, alone retains its full complement of members and ancient organization; but in Spain, Italy, Germany, and Austria all are preserved intact. The cathedrals of Elgin, Ross, Aberdeen, and Caithness were modeled on Lincoln, which followed Rouen; those of Dulnkeld, Glasgow, and St. Patrick's (Dublin) on Salisbury, which followed Amiens; as St. Paul's imitated Paris in its constitution, and is now the model for Carlise and Peterborough.
