Carlo Ottavio Castiglione Count

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Carlo Ottavio Castiglione Count [1]

a reputable Italian philologist, was born at Milan in 1784.

His principal work was in connection with the Arabic and other languages. He died at Genoa, April 10, 1849. In 1819 he published Monete Cufiche del Musec di Vilano, and assisted cardinal Mai in his Uphile Partium Ineditarum in Ambrosianis Palinzpsestis Repertarum Editio. A learned Mlemoire Geographique es Numismatique sur lis Partie Orientale de la Barbari Appelee Afiikia par les Arabes, appeared in 1826, and established Castiglione's reputation. In 1829 he published the Gothic version of the second epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, and this was followed by the Gothic version of the epistle to the Romans, the first epistle to the Corinthians, and the epistle to the Ephesians in 1834; by Galatians, Philippians, and first Thessalonians in 1835, and by second Thessalonians in 1839. See Encyclop. Brit. (9th ed.) s.v.
