Carl Wilhelm Christian Bahr
Carl Wilhelm Christian Bahr [1]
a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born June 25, 1801, at Heidelberg. He studied at Heidelberg and Berlin from 1818 to 1822; was in 1824 appointed deacon at Pforzhelm, and in 1829 pastor at Eichstetten. Here he wrote his Commentar zum Kolosserbrief (Basle, 1833), and his Symbolik Des Mosaischen Cultus (2 vols. Heidelberg, 1837-39; 2d ed. 1874). Thus he became known to the literary public, especially by the last work, and the degree of doctor of divinity was conferred on him. In 1838 he became a member of the Oberkirchenrath in Carlsruhe, and took an active part in the ecclesiastical affairs of the duchy of Baden till he retired, March 1, 1861. After his retirement from public affairs he wrote the commentary on the books of Kings for Lange's Bibelwerk. He died May 15, 1874, at Offenburg. Of his other publications we mention, Der Salomonische Tempel nmt Berucksichtigung seines Verhdltnisses zurheiligen Architektutr (Carlsruhe, 1848): — Der protestantische Gottesdienst vom Standpunkte der Gemeinde aus betrachtet (Heidelberg, 1850): — Begrundung einer Gottesdienst-Ordnungfur die evangel. Kirche (Carlsruhe, 1856): Das badische Kirchenbuch, etc. (ibid. 1859). See Allgenmeine deutsche Biographie, s.v.; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. i, 62. (B. P.)