Carl Sudhoff

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Carl Sudhoff [1]

a doctor of divinity, and prominent theologian of the Calvinistic Church of Germany, who died in the year 1865 at Frankfort-on-the-Main, is the author of, Weihestunden (4th ed. Hamm. 1865 ): Der Heidelberger Katechismus zergliedert (2nd ed. Kreuznach, 1854): De Convenientia que inter utrumque Gratie Instrumentucm, Verbum Dei, et Sacramentum Intercedat, etc. (ibid. 1852): In der Stille (Frankfort, 1859, 2 pts.) Fester Grund christlicher Lehre, ein H Ü fsbuch zum Heidelberqer Katechisnus (ibid. 1857 ): Geschichte der christl. Kirche (2nd ed. ibid. 1861, 2 vols.): Communion buch (2nd ed. ibid. 1859 ): Christliche Religionslehre (ibid. 1861): Theologisches Handbuch zur Auslegung des leidelberger Katechismus (ibid. 1862). Besides a number of articles for Herzog's Real-Encyklop., he also wrote the lives of C. Olevianus and Z. Ursinus, published in the 8th part of Leben und ausgewohlte Schriften der Viter und Begrinder der reformirten Kirche. See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 2, 1293 sq. (B. P.)
