
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): (n.) That part of a legal instrument, as a commission, indictment, etc., which shows where, when, and by what authority, it was taken, found, or executed.

(2): (n.) The act of taking or arresting a person by judicial process.

(3): (n.) A caviling; a sophism.

(4): (n.) The heading of a chapter, section, or page.

King James Dictionary [2]

Caption, n.

1. The act of taking, or apprehending by a judicial process. 2. A certificate signed by commissioners in Chancery, declaring when and where the commission was executed. 3. A preamble. 4. In Scots law, a writ issued at the instance of a creditor, commanding an officer to take and imprison the debtor, till he pays the debt.
