Bryce Johnstone

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Bryce Johnstone [1]

an eminent Scottish theologian and writer, was born at Annan, Dumfriesshire, in 1747. He studied at the University of Edinburgh, where he graduated D.D. He entered the Church, and was for a long time pastor of Holyrood (from 1771), and died an 1805. He wrote, Commentary on the Revelation of John (1794,2 vols. 8vo) : On the Influence of Religion on civil Society and civil Government (1801). All of his Sermons and Life were published by his nephew, the Rev. John Johnstone (1807, 8ro); etc. See Gorton's Biogr. Dictionary, s.v.; Allibone, Dict. Engl. and Am. Auth. s.v.
