Webster's Dictionary [1]
(1): (v. t.) To inhale and exhale in the process of respiration; to respire.
(2): (v. t.) To inject by breathing; to infuse; - with into.
(3): (v. t.) To utter without vocality, as the nonvocal consonants.
(4): (v. i.) To respire; to inhale and exhale air; hence;, to live.
(5): (v. i.) To take breath; to rest from action.
(6): (v. i.) To pass like breath; noiselessly or gently; to exhale; to emanate; to blow gently.
(7): (v. t.) To put out of breath; to exhaust.
(8): (v. t.) To emit or utter by the breath; to utter softly; to whisper; as, to breathe a vow.
(9): (v. t.) To exhale; to emit, as breath; as, the flowers breathe odors or perfumes.
(10): (v. t.) To express; to manifest; to give forth.
(11): (v. t.) To act upon by the breath; to cause to sound by breathing.
(12): (v. t.) To promote free respiration in; to exercise.
(13): (v. t.) To suffer to take breath, or recover the natural breathing; to rest; as, to breathe a horse.
King James Dictionary [2]
Breathe, To respire to inspire and expire air. Hence, to live.
1. To take breath to rest from action as, let them have time to breathe. 2. To pass as air.
To whose foul mouth no wholesome air breathes in.
Breathe, To inhale as air into the lungs and expel it as, to breathe vital air.
1. To inject by breathing to infuse followed by into.
And the Lord God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Genesis 2
2. To expire to eject by breathing followed by out as, to breathe out threatening and slaughter. 3. To exercise to keep in breath.
The greyhounds are as swift as brethed stage.
4. To inspire or blow into to cause to sound by breathing as, to breathe the flute. 5. To exhale to emit as breath as, the flowers breathe odors or perfume. 6. To utter softly or in private as, to breathe a vow. 7. To give air or vent to to open as, to breathe a vein. 8. To express to manifest.
Other articles breathe the same severe spirit.