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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Καυτηριάζω (Strong'S #2743 — Verb — kausteriazo — kow-tay-ree-ad'-zo )

"to burn in with a brading iron" (cp. Eng., "caustic"), is found, in the best mss., in  1—Timothy 4:2 , RV "branded." Others have kauteriazo (from kauterion, "a branding-iron," "cauterize"), to mark by "branding," an act not quite so severe as that indicated by the former. The reference is to apostates whose consciences are "branded" with the effects of their sin. See Seared.

 Galatians 6:17

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(imp. & p. p.) of Brand
