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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [1]

boundz  : גּבל , gābhal = "to twist" (as a rope), "to make an enclosure" (as by a line) occurs in  Exodus 19:12 ,  Exodus 19:23;  Psalm 104:9; גּבוּל , gebhūl = "a cord," hence, "a boundary," "territory" ( Exodus 23:31 the King James Version), with its feminine form גּביּלה , gebhūlāh Deuteronomy 32:8;  Isaiah 10:13 ); חק , ḥōḳ = "enactment," "appointment" (of time, space, quantity, labor, or usage), hence, "commandment," "decree," "ordinance" ( Job 14:5;  Job 26:10 the King James Version); in the Greek, ὁροθεσία , horothesı́a , in the sense of "a limit," "boundary line," occurs in  Acts 17:26 .
