Book Of Discipline

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Book Of Discipline [1]

in the Methodist Episcopal Church, is a volume puiblished quadrennially, after the sessions of the General Conference (q.v.), and entitled The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It is divided into six parts:

I. Origin, Doctrines, and General Rules;

II. Government of the Church;

III. Administration of Discipline;

IV. Ritual;

V. Education and Benevolent Institutions;

VI. Temporal Economy.

All but the constitutional portions (see Restrictive Rules, in part 2, chapter 1, 1) are liable to change under the authority of the General Conference. For the modifications which the book has undergone, see Emory, History of Discipline (N.Y. 1860, 12mo); see also Baker, Guide to Administration of Discipline (N.Y. 16mo).
