
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): (v. t.) To pollute by mixture or association; to spoil or corrupt; to blot; to stain.

(2): (v. i.) To mingle; to mix; to unite intimately; to pass or shade insensibly into each other, as colors.

(3): (n.) A thorough mixture of one thing with another, as color, tint, etc., into another, so that it cannot be known where one ends or the other begins.

(4): (a.) To make blind, literally or figuratively; to dazzle; to deceive.

(5): (v. t.) To mix or mingle together; esp. to mingle, combine, or associate so that the separate things mixed, or the line of demarcation, can not be distinguished. Hence: To confuse; to confound.

King James Dictionary [2]

Blend, n.

An ore of zink, called also mock-lead, false galena and black jack. Its color is mostly yellow, brown and black. There are several varieties, but in general, this ore contains more than half its weight of zink, about one fourth sulphur, and usually a small portion of iron. In chimical language, it is a sulphuret of zink.


1. To mix or mingle together hence to confound, so that the separate things mixed cannot be distinguished. 2. To pollute by mixture to spoil or corrupt. 3. To blind.

Blend, To be mixed to be united.

There is a tone of solemn and sacred feeling that blends with our conviviality.
