Blane (Or Blaan)
Blane (Or Blaan) [1]
Blane (Or Blaan)
Saint, was bishop of Caen-garadh in Galghaoidheln (i.e. Kingarth in Bute, Scotland), according to the Irish calendars. The son of Erca (or Ertha), through the violence of an unknown man, he, with his mother, was put into an oarless boat at sea, and was carried to the shore,where Sts.Comgall and Cainnech found them, and gave him his education for seven years. St. Blane was next under his uncle, St. Cathan, at Bute, and then was sent back to his former instructors for priests' orders. Raised to the episcopate, he went to Rome and received the pope's blessing. The true time of his life is, probably, at the end of the 6th or the beginning of the 7th century. He was buried at Dunblane, and is commemorated Aug. 10. See Camerarius, De Scot. Fort. p. 145, 164, 167; Fordun, Scotichr. 11, c. 21; Bolland, Acta Sanctorum, Aug. 2, 10.