Binder Christoph

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Binder Christoph [1]

a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born at Gretzingen in 1519, and studied at Tubingen. In 1543 he was pastor at Denkendorff, in 1545 at Stuttgart, in 1557 at Nurtlingen, in 1568 general superintendent and abbot at Adelberg, where he also signed the Formula of Concord, and died Oct. 31, 1596. His grandson, also named CHRISTOPH, was born at Rosswalden in 1575, and studied at Tubigen. In 1601 he was deacon at Canstadt, in 1608 superintendent and preacher at Stuttgart, and in 1610 member of consistory and court-preacher. Two years after he had received the degree of doctor of theology, in 1614, he was made general superintendent and abbot of Maulbrunn, and died June 3, 1616. He wrote, Theologia Scholastica: Tracctatus de Usuris: De Jesuitarsum Sophistica et Malis Artibus, quibus in Congressibus uti Solent. See Freheri, Theatrum Eruditorum; Fischlin, Memoria theolog. Wurtemberg.; Jocher, Algemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v: (B. P.)
