Beuvelet Mathieu

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Beuvelet Mathieu [1]

a French ascetic writer, was born at Marles, in the suburbs of Soissons, near the close of the 16th century. He embraced the ecclesiastical profession, went to Paris, and entered the congregation of the priests of St. Nicholas of Chardonnet, where he employed himself in teaching the young clerks of the holy ministry. He wrote, Meditations sur les Principales Verites Chretiennes et Ecclesiastiques (Paris, 1652; Besancon, 1819): Le Vraie et Solide Devotion (Paris, 1658): Instruction sur le Manuel (ibid. 1675): Conduite pour les Principaux Exercises qui sefont dans les Seininaires (ibid. 1663); a work translated into Latin by Ignatius of Batthvani, bishop of Weissenburg in Transylvania: Le Symbole des Apotres Explique et Divise en Prones (ibid. 1675); a posthumous work. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
