Bescape Carlo

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Bescape Carlo [1]

an Italian prelate, was a noble Milanese, born in 1550, to whom St. Charles Borromeo gave a canonry in his cathedral. In 1578 he resigned this appointment and entered among the Barnabites, of which order he became general; afterwards, in 1593, he was created bishop of Novara. He wrote many works, most of which still remain in MS.; among those published are, De Metropoli Mediolanensi (Milan, 1595, 1628 fol.): De Vita et Rebus Gestis Caroli Borromei (Ingolstadt, 1592; Brescia, 1613; Italian translation, Bologna, 1614): Novania, seu de Ecclesia Novanensi ( Novara, 1612 ): Historia Ecclesice Mediolanensis (ibid. 1615).
