Bertotti Ottavio

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Bertotti Ottavio [1]

(called Scamozzi), an Italian architect, was born at Vicenza in 1726. He published an edition of the works of Palladio, which possesses great merit. He designed and erected several churches and public edifices at Vicenza, and at Castel-Franco, in Trevigiana. Bertotti was so highly esteemed that the marquises Capra, executors of Scamozzi, awarded. to him the use of the property of that nobleman, which he had left in his will,.with the obligation of assuminghis name, to the one who should. rank as the first architect of his native city. Sse Spooner, Biog. Hist. of theFine Arts, s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
