Bernhard Overberg
Bernhard Overberg [1]
a distinguished German theologian and writer, was born at Hoeckel, near Osnabruck, about 1757. In 1774 he went to study theology at Munster, was ordained priest in 1780, and appointed professor in the normal school of Munster in 1783. In 1789 he became intimate with princess Amelie Gallitzine (q.v.), and this friendship lasted until death. In 1809 he was appointed regent of the episcopal seminary, and counselor of the Consistory in 1816. He died Nov. 9, 1826. He was very active in promoting the cause of education in the diocese of Munster. His principal works are, Anweisung zum Schulunterrichte (1795): — Biblische Geschichte (1796): — Religionshandbuch nebst den beiden Katechismen (1804, several eds.). His biography was written by J. Neinermann (Munster, 1829) and by Krabbe (ibid. 1832; 2d ed. 1846). See Pierer, Universal-Lexikon, 12:529; Herzog, Real-Encyklop. 10:743 sq. (J. N.P.)