Bernard Of Pomerania

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Bernard Of Pomerania [1]

was a Spanish monk, whom pope Paschal II had appointed bishop of that country. In 1122 he undertook, accompanied by his chaplain and an interpreter, to preach the gospel to the Pomeranians. But the Pomeranians would not recognize him because he was dressed like a hermit. When, however, Bernard was about to cut down the jul-tree, the tutelar deity of the inhabitants of the city of Julin, the Pomeranians drove him out of their country. In company with his chaplain and interpreter, Bernard retired to Bamberg and induced bishop Otto to undertake the conversion of the Pomeranians, but in a more pompous manner. See Andrese, Abbat. S. Michael Prope Bamberg, Vita S. Ottonis, Episc. Bamberg, in Ludwig, Scriptor. Rerum Episc. Bamnberg, 1:464; Alzog, in Wetzer u. Welte's Kirchenlexikon, s.v. (B.P.)
