Benzelius Eric

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Benzelius Eric [1]

a learned Swedish prelate, son of one who bore the same name, was born at Upsal in 1675. He was well versed in theology, languages, antiquities, and history. Returning from his travels in the principal countries of Europe, he became successively professor of theology, bishop of Gothenburg, of Linkoping, and archbishop of Upsal, which position his father had formerly held. He died in 1743, leaving, Monumenta Sueco-Gothica: Ulphilas Illustratus:a work upon the history of Sweden, editions of several histories of the North Channel, and Cyclus Judaicus, translated from Moses Maimonides. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.; Chalmers, Biog. Dict. s.v.
