Bene Leone Ben-David Del

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Bene Leone Ben-David Del [1]

a Jewish writer, who died at Ferrara in 1677, is the author of דוד כסאות לבית , a philosophical dogmatic of Judaism, divided into eight sections, edited by De' Rossi (Verona, 1646). Basnage, in his History Of the Jews (Engl. transl. by Taylor, p. 727), tells us: "He is accused of having taken it from his father, who also taught at Ferrara, and only changed the title; for he had entitled it The City of David עיר דוד . He put his name to it, and assumed the honor of it." See De' Rossi, Dizionario Storico (Germ. transl.), p. 56; Furst, Bibl. Jud. i, 102. (B. P.)
