Ben-Isaac Baruch

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Ben-Isaac Baruch [1]

a Jewish writer, who died at Constantinople in 1664, is the author of זְרִע בֵּרִךְ , i.e. a Haggadic and homiletical commentary on the Pentateuch and the five Megilloth i.e. the Psalms, Proverba, Lamentations, Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes published at Cracow, 1646 a. o. See Furst, Bibl. Jud. i, 90; Jocher, Allgenmeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. ; Benjacob, Ozar Ha-Sepharim, or Thesaurus Librorum Hebraicorum'(Wilna, 1880), i, 162, No. 274-276. (B. P.)
