Bellarini (And Not Bellavini) Giovanni

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Bellarini (And Not Bellavini) Giovanni [1]

Bellarini (And Not Bellavini) Giovanni

An Italian theologian, a native of Castelnuovo, entered the Society of Barbanites in 1575, and was frequently associated with St. Charles Borromeo, whom he highly esteemed. He taught theology at Pavia and at Rome, and founded the houses of his order, of which he was superior, at Novara and Spoleto. He died at Milan in 1630. His principal works are, Praxis ad Omnes Veritates Evangelicas cum Certitudine Comprobandas (Milan, 1626): Doctrina Concilii Tridentini et Catechismi Romani de Synibolo Apostolorum (Rome, 1630): Speculum Humance atque Divince Sapientice (Milan, 1630): Memorial des Confesseurs et des Penitents, tire Principalement de la Doctrine du Concile de Trente et duo Catechisme Romain (from the Italian by Remy, Paris, 1677). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
