
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Baylor [1]

Hon. and Rev., R. E. B., a licensed preacher of the Baptist denomination, was born in Bourbon, County, Ky., May 10, 1791. He studied law in his native state, and, having been admitted to the bar, he removed to Alabama, and practised at Cahaba and Tuscaloosa. For two terms he represented the Tuscaloosa district in Congress. His conversion took place in 1839, and soon after he was licensed to preach. He removed to Texas not long after, where he was a member of the Texan Congress for a time, and for twenty- five years a circuit judge, and for a short time was on the Supreme bench. "Wherever he held courts he there also preached, often deciding cases on the bench during the day, and holding a protracted meeting at night." "His religious character aided him no little in his judicial career at a time when violence, lawlessness, and misrule prevailed among the people." He thoroughly identified himself with the people of God wherever he went." He was a generous friend and contributor to Baylor University" called so from him an institution of high character, situated in Independence, Washington Co., Texas, established in 1845. Mr. Baylor spent most of his time during the last ten years of his life in attending religious meetings. He died Dec. 30, 1873. "His memory is.precious among all classes of people in the State of Texas. See Baptist EnCyclopedia, p. 89.
