Bartholomeus Battus

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Bartholomeus Battus [1]

a Lutheran theologian of Germany, father of the preceding, was born at Hamburg, Sept. 10, 1571. He studied at Rostock and Wittenberg, was in 1596 appointed professor of metaphysics at Greifswalde, and in 1599 professor of theology and pastor of St. James. He died Nov. 3, 1639. He is the author of, Collegium in Conifessionem Augustanam: De Justificatione Hominis Peccatoris coram Deo, Libri 3: Disputt. XX in Epistolam ad Galatas: Disputationes de Antichristo: Conimmentatt. in Epist. ad Ephesos, Coloss., et ad Philippenses: Oratio de Christo Servatore, etc. See Witte, Diarium Biographicum; Moller, Cimbria Litterata; Adam, Vitce Eruditorum; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. (B. P.)
