Barthelemy (Or Pierre) Carrelet

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Barthelemy (Or Pierre) Carrelet [1]

Carrelet, Barthelemy (or Pierre)

a French poet and preacher, was born at Dijon, Feb. 21, 1695. In 1723 he was appointed theologal of the bishop of Soissons, in 1727 was made member of the Academy of Soissons, and in 1733 delivered before the French Academy his Panegyrique de Saint-Louis. He became dean of the chapter and vicar-general of Soissons, and died there, June 14, 1770, leaving, Vers Franfais sur le Retablissemzent de la'Sante du Roi (Dijon, 1721): Priere a Dieu, Faite a la Fin diu Dernier Seimon de I'Avent en 1727 (in the Mercure de France, June, 1728): Sentiments d'une Ame Fenitente, in verse (published in Memoires de l'Acadmie Fran Ç ais (1729). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. G É neral É . s, v.
