Barberini Manuscript

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Barberini Manuscript [1]

(Codex Barberinus ) which belongs to the Barberini Library at Rome, No. 225, and is now designated by the letter Y, is a fragment (six leaves) of John's gospel, written on vellum, in folio, probably of the 8th century. It contains  John 16:3 to  John 19:41 prefixed to a Codex of the gospels ( G 392) furnished with Theophylact's commentaries, of the 12th century. The text is mixed, and lies about midway between Cod. A and Cod. B, i.e. between the Vatican and Alexandrinus. Scholz imperfectly collated the fragment, and Tischendorf published it entire, with a facsimile, in his Monumenta Sacra Inedita, in 1846. (See Biblical Manuscripts). (B. P.)
