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Baranovius [1]
(Baranowskin), ALBERTUS, a Polish theologian of the Roman Catholic Church, was at first bishop of Przemisl. In 1604 he was appointed to the diocese of Wladislaw, and finally was archbishop of Gnesen, where he died, in 1615. He wrote, Constitutiones Synodi Dicecsance Vladislaviensis anno 1607 Celebratoe (Cracow, 1607): — Concilium Provinciale Regni Poloniac anno 1607 Celebratum (ibid. 1611): — Synodus Diocesana - Gnesnensis- flabita 1612 (ibid. 1612). See Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten- Lexikon, s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s. s. (B. P.)