Avrillon Jean Baptiste Elie

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Avrillon Jean Baptiste Elie [1]

a Franciscan (Minim), born at Paris, Jan. 1, 1652; he made profession, Jan. 3, 1671, in the convent of the Minims (called Bons-hommes) at Nigeon. He began his career as a preacher in 1676, and continued until 1728, i.e. for fifty-three years, and died at Paris, May 16th, 1729, aged seventy-eight. He was much sought after as a preacher, and left many devotional works, which are highly esteemed in the Roman Church. The following have been translated by the Romanizing party of the Church of England: "Conduite pour passer saintement le temps de l'Avent," Guide for passing Advent holily, with preface by Dr. Pusey (Lond. 1844, 12mo); "Conduite pour passer saintement le Careme," Guide for passing Lent holily, ed. by Pusey (Lond. 1844, 12mo); "L'Annee Affective," The Year of Affections, ed. by Pusey (Lond. 1845,12mo); Eucharistic Meditations, ed. by Shipley (Lond. 1862, 12mo).
