
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

The city of Hadad ben BedadGenesis 36:35;  1 Chronicles 1:46), who smote Midian (the main body) in the field of Moab. This would be early in the time of Moab's sojourn among a branch of the Midianites. Moab was allied to Midian in the Mosaic age ( Numbers 22:7), but in Gideon's time Midian was destroyed. Hence Moses naturally records the fact.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

A'vith. (Ruins). The city of Hadad ben-Bedad, one of the kings of Edom before there were kings in Israel.  Genesis 36:35;  1 Chronicles 1:46.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

City of Edom in the east of Moab, seat of Hadad the fourth king.  Genesis 36:35;  1 Chronicles 1:46 .

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

Avith . A Moabite city (  Genesis 36:35 ); site unknown.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [5]

(Hebrews Avith', עֲוִית , Ruins; Sept. Γεθαίμ , Vulg. Avith), a city of the Edomites, and the native place (capital) of one of their kings, Hadad ben- Bedad; before there were kings in IsraelGenesis 36:35;  1 Chronicles 1:46, where the Hebrews text has עֲיוֹת , Ayoth', Sept, Γεθθάμ v. r. Γεθαίμ , Εὐιθ , Vulg. Avith). It would seem to have been situated at the north-eastern extremity of the range of Mount Seir, as the king is stated to have thence made a hostile incursion into the territory of his Moabitish neighbors who were leagued with the Midianites. The name may be compared with El-Ghoweitheh, a "chain of low hills" mentioned by Burckhardt (p. 375) as lying to the east of the district of Kerek in Moab

(Knobel, Genesis, p. 257).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [6]

ā´vith עוית , ‛ăwı̄th ̌ : The royal city of Hadad king of Edom ( Genesis 36:35;  1 Chronicles 1:46 ). The Septuagint reads Γετθαίμ , Getthaı́m ̌ . There is no clue to its identification.
