August Georg Uhle

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

August Georg Uhle [1]

a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born Jan. 16, 1737, at Brunswick. He studied theology and philosophy at Helmstedt. For a time he instructed at the Orphanage in Brunswick, when, in 1770, he was called as pastor to the Church of St. AEgidius at Hanover. In 1793 the learned society at the Hague awarded to him the second prize for his dissertation De Jesu Christo Vero Dei Filio; and in the same year he was made member of consistory and first court preacher. In 1794 he was appointed general superintendent, and in1801 he was honored with the doctorate by the G ttingen University. He died May 12,1804. Uhle was not only very well acquainted with the ancient classical writers, but also with the writings of Hume, Robertson, Gibbon, Tillotson, Saurin, etc. In philosophy he leaned more towards the system of Leibnitz and Wolf than that of Kant; he was less satisfied with Fichte and Schelling. Among the German pulpit orators of the last century Uhle holds a prominent place. For his writings, see Doring, Deutsche Kanzelredner, p. 551. (B. P.)
