Asa Burnham

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Asa Burnham [1]

a Free-will Baptist minister, was born Aug. 9, 1789. He was converted at fifteen, and commenced his labors as a preacher in New Hampshire in 1809. After preaching in various places until 1820, he settled in Sebec, Me., where he resided for twenty years, and saw several revivals of religion during his ministry in that place. His next settlement was in Montville, where he remained some four years, at the end of which period he removed to Garland. While residing here with a widowed daughter, he preached half the time in Exeter. His service continued some three years. His death, which was very sudden, took place at Garland, Aug. 9, 1852. It is said of him that, " amid the defections, delusions, and secessions around him, he was unmoved as a rock. His sermons were instructive and practical, and few men possessed a more untarnished character." See Free-will Baptist Register, 1854, p. 81, 82. (J. C. S.)
